Write a Winning Book Proposal Workshop

with Dr. Cindy, The Expert's Ghostwriter®

Welcome, future authors!

This page contains your workshop replay and accompanying workbook to create your book proposal materials.

There’s a bonus training specific to memoir writers and a resource list below where I will continue to add new materials that might be helpful to your book proposals.

Remember, traditional publishing is a marathon, not a sprint.

Start where you are now and keep making and following your plan to get to your end goal of traditional publishing.

replay of the live Write a Winning Nonfiction Book Proposal Workshop

Download the 11-Step Workbook and Literary Agent Tracker to your computer or save as a copy and edit it in Google Docs.

The PowerPoint Slides and Live Event Chat history are also provided below for your reference.

Bonus training for memoir writers

Resources for Writing Book Proposals

How to Write a Book Proposal by Michael Larsen

Think Like a Publisher by Randy Davila

Resources for Finding Literary Agents and knowing about new book deals

Publishers Weekly

Query Tracker

Manuscript Wishlist

Publishers Marketplace

Writer’s Digest “Get Published”

Events With Literary Agent Pitch Opportunities

Agents and Editors Conference with the Writer’s League of Texas (Austin, TX)

Writer’s Digest Pitch Slam at Annual Conference with Writer’s Digest (NYC)

Nonfiction Authors Association Conference with the Nonfiction Authors Association (Virtual)

Midwest Writers Agent Fest with Midwest Writers Workshop (Virtual)

Hay House Writers Workshop with Kelly Notaro (Virtual)

Gotham Writers Conference Pitching Roundtables with Gotham Writers (NYC)

Find additional, local events for pitching and author workshops on the Poets and Writers Event Calendar all year long

Boutique Publishers You can Query Directly

New World Library

Morgan James Publishing (no fees, but you have to commit to buying 2,000 copies)